6 Indoor Exercises to Keep our Lymphatic System Working

Why does exercise help the lymphatic system?

Few of us learned about our bodies lymphatic system when we were taught the bodies circulatory system in biology.  A healthy lymphatic system is critical.  Unlike our circulatory system which has a major pumping system, the heart, to push the blood throughout the body, the lymphatic system functions when we stimulate it.  The best stimulation for the lymphatic system is exercising.  Just taking the stairs versus the elevator will provide enormous benefits to the lymphatic system.

6 Indoor Exercises to Keep our Lymphatic System Working

With cold temperatures outside here are a few ideas to help you keep up on exercising while staying warm indoors.


1.  Use the Exercise ball

A very popular workout includes an exercise ball.  These work outs can have a large range, from very mild to very intensive.  Check out some popular exercises, safety precautions and techniques, here.

2.  Walk up and down the stairs.

Though not the funnest way to exercise, it’s better than going out for a walk in the freezing temperatures.

Jump on a Small Trampoline

3.  Jump on a small trampoline

Jumping on a small trampoline is very good for the lymphatic system.

4.  Dancing

Turn on some up beat music and have a dance party. If you have children, they will love joining in the fun and you will use quite a few calories while your at it.

 5.  Jumping Jacks

If you live in an apartment make sure you do this exercise at an hour that your neighbors won’t hate you if they hear loud thumping overhead.

6.  Yoga

Use Yoga to burn calories and build flexibility.


What indoor exercises do you like to do?

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